SYSTEXX Active Reno are glass fabrics with a special woven pattern that compensates for uneven substrates. Its intentionally irregular, textured finish is particularly suitable for direct application over old wall coverings on areas in need of renovation, e.g. textured plaster up to 2 mm, or even tiles.

The SYSTEXX Active Reno products have been specifically developed for the quick renovation of many indoor areas. They can be applied directly onto the substrates that may show imperfections and application marks of up to 2 mm while business goes on, without interrupting daily routines, and without requiring lengthy preparation.

Thanks to Aqua Technology where the wall coverings come with adhesive on the back and just need water to activate it, renovation is possible while everyday business continues, causing very little disruption, even in high-traffic areas such as hospital corridors.

SYSTEXX Active Reno S38.


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SYSTEXX Active Reno technical data sheet
VOC according to french regulations
VOC according to AgBB
Oeko-Tex certificates
Fire classification SYSTEXX
SYSTEXX Active Reno flyer
SYSTEXX CE declarations of performance
Glass fabric application guidelines for standard installation
US Architectural SpecsUS Architectural Specs